DATE,TIME , VENUE :  1. 7th August, 2010; 3-6 PM; Shoghi

2. 8th August, 2010; 12-4PM; Panchayat Bhawan, Waknaghat

INSURANCE COMPANY : Bharti AXA Life Insurance

Rotaract Waknaghat organised its first event outside the premises of JUIT on the second week of August. A team of 3 members from Bharti AXA LI, Delhi addressed the people of Shoghi and Waknaghat. Various advantages and the need for insurance were justified. Different insurance plans (like pension plans, etc) were explained to the interested crowd.

It was a learning experience for all the members.


Ayushi 🙂

Posted August 14, 2010 by rotractwaknaghat in Uncategorized


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  1. Hi All,

    Was going through the blog and it seems that the club has come a long way! Extremely delighted to see that.

    Will love to see some more pics of all the events.

    This event in itself was a great concept and i hope that you will also do the follow up.

    I heard that you people are also trying to sponsor dance education of few kids over there. Amazing thought! It will be great if you can post all the details on the blog.

    The main thing is that every idea needs a lot of marketing. If you can package this well, I will try my best to arrange the funds from all the resources accessible to me.

    People at my company are very proactive and are always willing to help a noble and genuine cause. Moreover, our alumni will also chip in, provided the marketing is done well.

    I am certain that you will continue the good work and i will be more than delighted to be a part of any of your project.


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