TERRORISM or INSURGENCY- Which is more grave?   Leave a comment

DATE : 16th August, 2010

TIME : 6.00 PM to 7.30 PM

VENUE : Dhyan Kaksh, JUIT

TOPIC OF GD : TERRORISM or INSURGENCY–  Which is more grave?

The second group discussion was organized by the debating society of literary committee on 16th August, 2010. The students were informed about the issue through Google groups and placards/posters beforehand.

Around 30 students turned up for the group discussion. The students were seated facing each other in groups. Various issues such as the basic reasons behind terrorism and insurgency, the areas of the country where they are more prominent, the causes for the acclivity of such activities and how they can be controlled were brought up.

The thoughts were put forward, discussed and altercated for around half an hour, when our respected Brigadier sir showed up and became a part of the discussion. After listening to the arguments for some time, he hashed out about the topic. He started off with explaining the basic difference between the two- that an insurgency is a movement -a political effort with a specific aim which requires a leader or a tacit support while terrorism – is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes which does not require and rarely has the active support or even the sympathy of a large fraction of the population. Many terrorist and insurgence activities were discussed thereafter with their impact on the demography.

During the entire discussion, all the participants were enthusiastic and were prepared to prove their points with a detailed research. Every minute detail was scrapped off and put on the table for evaluation. This healthy discussion ended with the common opinion that both terrorism and insurgency have grown their roots in the society and while insurgency is in force prominently in the North-East India; terrorism has ascended in various parts of the country and is thus becoming graver. Awareness and education were leavened as the prime solvents for the issue.

The discussion ended with an umber chocolate for sir who shared it with the other good Speakers:


Sakshi 🙂

Posted September 1, 2010 by rotractwaknaghat

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